We have already explained in detail about ESI registration, applicability and procedure for registration now will discover and ascertain the requirements of certain essential documents for ESI registration.
Make sure that you must have all the valid and latest documents, if there is any mistake, lapse or delay in documents part then there are chances that application might get a rejection.
Following Documents required for Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESI) Registration
1. Copy of pan of company/partnership/firm
2. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation / Registration certificate
3. Copy of Bank Statement
4. Copy of all licenses issued in the name of establishment
5. A cancelled cheque
6. Copy of electricity Bill
7. Copy of rent/ lease agreement
8. Copy of pan and voter id of directors/partners
9. Copy of Board Resolution
10. List of all employees employed directly by the company or by the contractor.
11.Following information/details are also required in addition to the above documents
a. If any employee is already registered under ESIC:
- Employee Insurance Number
- Date of Appointment
b. If employee is not registered with ESIC
- Name of employee
- Name of employee’s father/husband
- Date of Birth
- Address
- Date of appointment
- Bank Account Details (Account number, Branch name, bank name, ifsc code etc.)
- Details of nominees (name, address, mobile no, email id, relationship details etc.)
- Details of the previous employer
- Employer code no.
- Employer Insurance no.
- Name of employer
- Address of employer
- Contact no of employer
c. Details of current employer
- Employer code no.
- Employer Insurance number
- Name of employer
- Address of employer
- Contact no of employee
In case you have any doubt, you are looking for ESI registration services and would like to know more feel free to contact us at and get a free consultation