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- GST Registration Process for New Users/dealers: 5 Step Guide to Register GST Online
GST Registration Process for New Users/dealers: 5 Step Guide to Register GST Online

Everyone is talking about the economic reform adopted by our government. It has not only become the hot topic for all but it is a mandatory field for many of us.
Goods and services tax is now the only indirect tax available in other country as against the web of taxes which were there in the earlier regime. Since GST is the only available indirect tax in India, it becomes more important for everyone to study about it and learn each and every thing around it.
We will talk about GST registration in 5 simple steps for all the new users/dealers. Though it may look easy, but it is not because of the technical terms included. E.g. suppose by mistake you choose yes for composition scheme without knowing it might cost you interest and penalties.
Therefore, just to make it simpler, we would like to explain the complete GST registration process in 5 steps.
Should I need to register under GST?
No need to scratch your heads anymore asking whether to register or not. Let’s make it easy for you. The following individual/company/ firm are required to register in GST –
- Proprietor/ Company/ Firm with turnover above 20 Lakh (10 lakh for some special states).
- If the interstate supply is made then GST registration is mandatory irrespective of the turnover.
- E commerce: If you are selling on e-commerce website like Flipkart and Snapdeal, then you are mandatory to register under GST.
- If you are required to pay tax under reverse charge, then also you shall be required to register under GST mandatorily.
Further, there may be other cases as well, but just to keep it simple, we shall restrict to above cases only. Now, let us proceed to understand the GST registration procedure for new users and dealers.
Five Step Guide to GST registration procedure
#Step No.1 – Visit the website and get ready
The first step is to open the official site. Here’s the link to the website-
Now after opening the website you have to click on registration - ‘new registration’
There you will be asked to fill details like your state and district, name andpan number of the applicant.
Please note that the email ID and phone number you provide are correct and active as you will receive OTP on them multiple times and without the OTP you will not be able to submit your application.
After verifying your email and phone, a TRN number will be generated. Once the TRN number is generated, you shall need to relogin into the system and then proceed to next step.
#Step No.2 – Fill out business information
This is the 1st page of application where the details of the company/firm have to be provided. You have to accurately fill the sector/unit/ward no of the location of your work along with proper Commissionerate and division code.
Further, you shall have to provide the reason of registration along with the date of commencement. In case of a company or partnership, a proof of the business registration is also required to be uploaded.
#Step No.3 – Fill out the personal information
Second page is of the personal information of the partners/ directors/ proprietor. The information to be provided is as follows:
- Name, D.O.B and address of the applicant as mentioned on PAN/Aadhar
- Photo of the applicant to be uploaded
- In case of a company or partnership firm then DIN numbers as well
#Step No.4 – Add principle place of business or additional place of business
The place of business has to be mentioned here along with an address proof. Address proof depends upon the ownership of the premises. The address proof required to be uploaded are as follows:
- In case your business premises is rented then a rental agreement or NOC with signature of your landlord has to be attached.
- In case your business premises are owned by you then you need to attach any ownership proof like registry copy, electricity bill, house tax receipt etc.
- In case your business premises are owned by any of your family person, then you need to attach any ownership proof like registry copy, electricity bill, house tax receipt along with a NOC.
#Step No.5 – Add product details and bank account details
Under this step, you are required to add products or services you are dealing in along with the HSN or SAC code applicable on your goods or services. Further, the last step is to provide bank account details of the proprietor/ company/firm with IFSC code and branch name. A copy of bank statement or canceled check with the name of the same has to be attached.
4.0 Important things to keep in mind
There are certain things that you must understand before going for registration. The application can be tricky and difficult to understand for everyone. Hence it is advised to contact a professional for it.
- Putting the right information is important. A person with experience and knowledge will know what to fill where.
- HSN and SAC codes are important. Not everyone will be able to search and get correct codes for his products. Hence contacting a professional will be a smart move
- At times clarification is asked for from government’s side and a layman would not be able to understand it. Hence reaching out to someone is important.
5.0 Conclusion
Now that we have discussed all the information required in GST registration it will be easier for you to understand it. If you are looking for GST registration without burning a hole in your pocket then email us at and get a free consultation.
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TAGS: Gst, Goods And Services Tax, Analysis, Registration
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