Articles on Goods And Service Tax

My GST Application status is approved – How to get GST registration certificate from
By Paras Mehra June 28, 2017
My GST Application status is approved – How to get GST registration certificate from What is the next step?

By Paras Mehra June 27, 2017
India is not a very dream destination for foreign tourist in India as compared to other Asian countries. Every year around 6.1 million tourist visit India which is very less as against to Singapore or Thailand which receives more than 10 million tourist.

Unable to upload documents on - Error in uploading file, Photo, PDF
By Paras Mehra June 26, 2017
People are facing lot of problem in uploading documents in GST portal and we have written this article for their possible solution.

Format of Consent letter for GST registration in word format – Free Download
By Paras Mehra June 26, 2017
Download the consent letter for GST registration in word format. You need to fill the required details and get it signed from the owner of the property. Here are some important details about consent letter for GST registration

By Paras Mehra June 22, 2017
Input tax credit (ITC) is said to be the soul of GST. GST is based on one of the main problems of the current taxation system, i.e. cascading effect. Hence, it is imminent that this article is very important under GST regime.

GST on Diwali gifts: Now Companies pay GST if you gift more than Rs.50,000 – Impact of GST on gifts
By Paras Mehra June 20, 2017
As per GST law, any gifts from employer to employee exceeding the value of Rs.50,000 shall be liable to GST in India. Hence, the employer who are gifting high value goods, like car, home, gold exceeding the value of Rs.50,000 shall be liable to GST.

Exporters under GST - How GST shall impact the exporters in India
By Paras Mehra June 16, 2017
This is one of the best things that happened to the exporter in India. As per the GST law, 90% of the tax amount shall be refunded to the exporter within 7 days. Hence, we welcome this step of the government.

How GST will impact the bloggers in India – Impact of GST Registration on Blogging
By Paras Mehra June 15, 2017
However, the GST is altogether a different spoon altogether. GST shall mandate every person including the bloggers to register otherwise there will be a stringent penalty for non-compliance.

What is the meaning of relevant date for refund under GST?
By Paras Mehra June 15, 2017
The meaning of relevant date is very important in regard to refund provisions under GST. This is because the section 54 of CGST states that any person claiming refund may make an application before the expiry of two years from the relevant date.
- Format of Consent letter for GST registration in word format – Free Download
- How to know PAN Number of the Company/Business – Know your PAN from Basic Details
- How to start a finance company in India – License and Procedure for finance company registration
- List of Documents required for GST registration – Everything about required documents under GST Act and rules
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