Search GST Tax for HSN/SAC

HSN Code: 1501

Products: Pig Fats (Including Lard) And Poultry Fat, Other Than That Of Heading 0209 Or 1503

Description: Pig Fats (Including Lard) And Poultry Fat, Other Than That Of Heading 0209 Or 1503

Note! The above result is only for your reference. Kindly consult the professional before forming any opinion. shall not be responsible for any damages or problem that may arise to you on relying on the above search results.

The Complete flow chart of HSN Code

Animal Or Vegetable Fats

1501 : Pig Fats (Including Lard) And Poultry Fat, Other Than That Of Heading 0209 Or 1503
15011000 : Pig Fat (Including Lard) And Poultry Fat, Other Than That Of Heading 0209 Or 1503 Lard
15012000 : Pig Fat (Including Lard) And Poultry Fat, Other Than That Of Heading 0209 Or 1503 Other Pig Fat
15019000 : Pig Fat (Including Lard) And Poultry Fat, Other Than That Of Heading 0209 Or 1503 Other

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